Currently three of the largest K-12 arrays in Pennsylvania, the Central Columbia School District in Bloomsburg, the Midd-West School District in Middleburg and the Tamaqua Area School District, were developed by GreenWorks/SRE. All three schools are saving significant money because they’ve gone solar while they’re educating their students about energy using the data from their schools’ arrays.

Used by permission of Generation 180 (, a national advocacy group for solar in schools, from its 2022 report Powering a Brighter Future in Pennsylvania – A Report on Solar at Pennsylvania K-12 Schools.

Read Generation 180’s Solar for All Schools in Pennsylvania report.

GreenWorks/SRE develops solar for K-12 schools, colleges and universities that requires NO UP-FRONT INVESTMENT and saves the school significant money over the 40-year life of the array.

Central Columbia School District
Bloomsburg, PA

3.8 MW combined ground (10 acre) and roof array
Savings at $0.105/kWh electricity cost:

Years 1-5: Over $350,000/year
Years 6-40: Over $500,000/year
Total estimated 40-year savings: Over $20 million
40-year average cost of solar electricity: $0.024/kWh

Watch the solar video produced by Central Columbia students and narrated by Superintendent Jeff Groshek.

Midd-West School District
Middleburg, PA

2.54 MW (7 acre) ground array
Savings at $0.105/kWh electricity cost:

Years 1-5: Over $170,000/year
Years 6-40: Over $350,000/year
Total estimated 40-year savings: Over $15 million
40-year average cost of solar electricity: $0.039/kWh

Watch the Generation 180 video featuring the Midd-West solar project and the educational benefit to its students.

Tamaqua Area School District
Tamaqua, PA

2.5 MW (7 acre) ground array
Savings at $0.105/kWh electricity cost:

Years 1-5: Over $230,000/year
Years 6-40: Over $350,000/year
Total estimated 40-year savings: Almost $15 million
40-year average cost of solar electricity: $0.048/kWh

Pottsville Area School District Pottsville, PA

1.4 MW (170,000 total square foot) rooftop array
Savings at $0.105/kWh electricity cost:

Years 1-5: Over $70,000/year
Years 1-5: Over $250,000/year
Total estimated 40-year savings: Over $10 million
40-year average cost of solar electricity: $0.066/kWh